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Built Differently

This means we undertake each development start to finish, with a forward-thinking ethos of investment & return for our clients. Maximising profits and reducing risks, through a well-practiced process of detailed construction design & planning and professional build implementation.

Bentley Construction Contractors Ltd is a family firm with a wealth of experience from 2 generations and over 50 years of combined project history. We provide a comprehensive project management & construction service for small to medium developers.

Detailed Design with AutoCAD

With in-house CAD facilities we can complete detailed construction design, to ensure problems are designed out before we commence work on site. This forward-thinking construction design & planning has allowed us to complete some very challenging projects, avoiding potential problems before they arise.


Dropbox Client Directory

Client Payment and Works Schedule

The construction costings are kept transparent and under control with accurate invoicing with scheduled evaluations of work in progress and work complete up to the date of each evaluation. Meaning our clients only pay for work done and have a clear understanding of what each invoice includes. We provide our own easy to read “Client Payment and Works Schedule” excel spreadsheet within their Dropbox updated at each evaluation and shared with the financing QS if needed.

Client Payment Schedule example

This shows a complete breakdown of agreed costs, invoice amounts allocated against individual items and then a remaining column shows exactly what has been paid for and what’s left to pay, a constant running total for each project. Plus a second tab with the project schedule which shows critical line milestones and important delivery or installation points where required.

We organise, arrange, and meet on site all service connections c/w design drawings & specifications, complete all SAP, air/sound tests etc. as required. We ensure all warranty providers are supplied with all the relevant details and specifications to provide the complete service and project peace of mind.

We meet with estate agents on site to run through the development particulars to ensure the best sales results possible.

On completion, we provide a project folder which we present with all details, manuals and guarantees from products installed.

We include multiple photographs taken through the progression of the construction process to catalogue important details often hidden from the eye once complete. We can also provide glossy operation manuals for the new owners of the homes we create.


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